Hey, I know things are hard right now, but it’s vital we choose hope over fear. Stand shoulder to shoulder with it. Because fear constricts. Makes us tight. Feeds more fear. Divides, disparages, denigrates. Erodes health. Erodes good decision making. Makes us stuck. Closes us down at time when our power is needed more than ever to come up with new solutions and stand up for what we believe. Hope is the open thing.The mighty thing.The fierce thing. No small thing. Hope doesn’t mean you’re naïve or delicate—it means your defiant as hell. Hope changes your brain and body like a deep breath. Hope might be the thing that leads us to the wildly inventive, imaginative, innovative, visionary things that will save us.
*written in 2018, after Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony, and the State Department announcing almost 2000 children had been separated from their families at the border. I’m posting it again today, in honor of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, because I know she would always want us to stand in our power, and never give up.