As If



Recently, someone asked me why I read fiction.

The way he asked it.

As if reading fiction was a frivolous thing, even puerile.

As if fiction didn’t corroborate, vindicate, heal, illuminate, question, relieve, clarify, shift and rip apart.

As if fiction didn’t insist we climb into the membrane of another and examine thoughts, feelings, choices, and truths not our own.

As if fiction didn’t shape our becoming.

As if fiction wasn’t dangerous and therefore capable of waking us the hell up.

As if inhabiting another mind isn’t worth the ride.

As if fiction can’t level and reconstruct humanity.


As if we’re not all just making it up as we go anyway.





0 thoughts on “As If”

  1. Hi Anna, What a great response to that “someone” I hope he reads this post or that you said something similar to him directly. I always appreciate your thoughtful posts. Thanks for sharing your insights with us.

    • Thank you, Judy. Not the first time I’ve heard this question for sure…I understand we all gravitate toward writing that compels us…it was more the way he said it. I used to know an engineer guy who used a similar tone about fiction…as if we (fiction readers/writers) were all wasting our time. Oh well…their loss I guess. :>)

  2. As if the lens of fiction doesn’t bring the truth into sharper focus. Well said. I think that one’s worth a poster in the shop.