


glacier melting

Write what only you can write about. Write fire. Write glass. Write to release the angel in the marble. Write what can’t be stolen. Write as if no one really knows the definition of art. Write to set the tiniest feeling free. Write as if you remember everything. Write adrift on a raft you made when you were ten. Write glaciers melting, common ground and women’s bodies. Write spare as a nun’s cell. Write staring it down. Write smell remembered. Write immature eagle shriek. Write blood. Write touch of water. Write as if no one can tear you down. Write no holds barred. Write collapse and defeat and nothing more to say. Write violent collide. Write around the bend. Write foaming at the mouth. Write hard to swallow. Write as if you remember nothing. Write unearthed mission. Write restless ghost. Write child. Write faintest trace of beauty. Write stages of holy. Write until your breath changes.

0 thoughts on “Write”

  1. Fabulous prose poem! And since this is my morning to write, I will take your advice/prompt to heart…..love the photo, too….synchronistically, we watched Smilla’s Sense of Snow last night…so I will start with themes of ice and snow…. 🙂

  2. Fabulous prose poem! And since this is my morning to write, I will take your advice/prompt to heart…..love the photo, too….synchronistically, we watched Smilla’s Sense of Snow last night…

  3. Keep it up
    and you may become
    one of my favorite
    short piece authors
    along with Jim Paris
    Jerry George
    Jessica Macbeth
    and Jan Halliday :>)